Nick Bare took an interest in nutrition early. However, it soon led him on a downward spiral to anorexia. Not only did he recover, he thrived.



Before (peak of disorder)

Age: 14
Height: 5ft 10in
Weight: 120lb

After (post-recovery)

Age: 18
Height: 5ft 10in
Weight: 186lb


Q. Can you explain how you first became anorexic?


young nick bare with black cap and t shirt


A. Approaching my freshman year of high school, I felt the need to control my nutritional intake.

It started by exercising more and slowly reducing the size of meals.

I was never “overweight” growing up and raised in an active family, but became addicted to controlling my diet and exercise.

At my extreme, I consumed fewer than 500 calories daily and was exercising after school at night.

I was obsessed with losing weight as fast as possible – all at the expense of my health when my body was growing.


Q. What challenges did anorexia present to you?

A. My disorder initially impacted me mentally more than physically. Eventually, all I thought about was eating less and exercising more.

If I went to bed hungry, I could rest easier. Right before recovery started, my physical state was exhausted, too.

Eventually, my parents took me to the doctors to find out why I was fatigued, losing weight, and looking unhealthy.

I went along to the weekly tests knowing I was responsible. Finally, I couldn’t get out of bed because I had zero energy.

My body was slowly shutting down. The turning point was going to a different building at the hospital. The sign read “Eating disorder clinic.”

We sat down with the doctors where I was confronted about it and felt embarrassed, which flipped a switch in my brain.

Recovery certainly wasn’t instant, but it finally made me aware of what I was doing to myself.


Q. How did you have to adjust your training and diet?

A. Starting recovery after my eating disorder, I didn’t focus on training, but more on eating to put weight back on.

For years after, I still had unhealthy relationships with food and it took me ages to feel comfortable eating normal amounts again.

When I’d built my strength back up again, I started to workout, play sports and become active.


Nick Bare topless


Q. How did you get into training?

A. A year after I began recovery, I decided to go to the gym and workout. I’d train at my high school football gym after school with friends.

Initially, it wasn’t serious – more of a hang out, but we’d bench press and hit bicep curls.

Gradually, it became a huge interest and I was hooked on the fitness lifestyle by the time I got to college.

It inspired me to pursue a degree in nutrition and join the military.


Q. What’s been your biggest achievement so far?

A. Looking back to where I started and my accomplishments now, it blows me away.

Going from my body nearly shutting down to recovering, earning a nutrition degree, joining the army, and owning a sports nutrition company.

My eating disorder has only given me more determination. I learned to live and promote healthier, balanced ways of life through fitness.


Q. What are your goals for the future?

A. In the past 10 years I always focused on bodybuilding and powerlifting training. Recently, after the army, I have more interest in CrossFit training and endurance.

Currently, my goals include learning and incorporating Olympic lifting into my routine and competing in Crossfit.

I’m also training for a marathon in Austin, TX and the Bataan Memorial Death March in New Mexico.



Of men had an eating disorder at the beginning of military duty

More men developed an eating disorder after a few years of military service

1 in 5
Anorexia deaths which are caused by suicide


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